Be a part of the future of mobility!
Dear readers, we invite you to be a part of our exciting experiments regarding the use of micromobility vehicles! We provide you with an electric scooter and you use it for your everyday commuting, either for work, leisure or other trips. You will have to charge, drive and take care of it in a specified manner, according to the instructions we will give you. Following that, you will fill in the diary of the e-scooter with the abovementioned details.
The experiment’s duration will be 45 days, during which we will provide you with an electric scooter and you will use it for your daily commuting. Data will be collected in accordance to the GDPR and used only in the project’s framework.
If you’re interested in participating, please fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible!
If you cannot see the form, please click here.